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Let's save the environment by learning about it


Environmental physics laboratory for the European Researchers' Night


The CSFNSM participates in Sharper 2023 - European Researchers' Night with a laboratory on environmental physics.


Where and When: 

29 September

The lab will be held between  16:30 and 20:00

Città della Scienza

Via Simeto 1


Water and soil are precious goods, let's learn to know them and monitor their characteristics to protect the environment.

Through a system of sensors we together measure the temperature of the water, control the level of dissolved salts and check the humidity of the soil to build the most suitable habitat for plant life.

And that's not enough because noise and UV rays can also be dangerous for the environment and life on our planet. Let's learn to measure its level and understand when it becomes critical.

A laboratory on the Internet of Things applied to the environment: we learn how some simple sensors can allow us to better understand the water we drink but also to control the water needs of house plants.

From 13 years old and up…

The workshop is free and the material necessary for its implementation will be provided.

For more information on the event we invite you to consult the complete program oSharper Catania.


CSFNSM & Città della Scienza Università di Catania

Project type: Laboratory from 13 years old
Edition: 2023 your social media marketing partner
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