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  • Assegnato il premio Asimov 2024.

    09 May 2024
    È stata annunciata al Salone del Libro di Torino l’opera vincitrice del Premio ASIMOV 2024. Si tratta di ALTRE TERRE. Viaggio alla scoperta di pianeti extrasolari, di Giovanni Covone.
  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    08 February 2023
    February 11th is the octave International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  • BE SMART: Basic Experiments with the Smartphone

    26 September 2022
    Let's discover together how smartphones can be used as Physics Laboratories
  • Italian National Congress on Geopolymers

    28 January 2022
    Catania hosts the National Congress "New Frontiers in Innovative and Green Materials for Cultural Heritage Conservation and Construction Industry"  
  • Happy Birthday CSFNSM!

    05 December 2020
    Today December 5th the CSFNSM celebrates 65 years of activity. Happy birthday and long life to CSFNSM!
  • "Fiera delle Idee" PO-FESR 2014-2020

    31 January 2017
    Si terrà il 31 gennaio 2017, con inizio alle ore 10:30, nell'Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia la "Fiera delle Idee", un incontro organizzato dall'INFN Sezione di Catania e dal Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia al fine di valutare, insieme ad altri organismi di ricerca e ad imprese interessati a farlo, reciproche opportunità e tematiche di collaborazione per la preparazione e candidatura di progetti a valere sui prossimi...
  • CERN sotto il Vulcano is going to end

    23 October 2016
    Last day for our photo exhibition "CERN sotto il Vulcano" dedicated to the first 60 years of CERN life. 
  • Continues CERN sotto il Vulcano

    03 October 2016
    After the great success of the inaugural evening, continues CERN sotto il Vulcano, the photo exhibition, organized by CSFNSM in cooperation with the University of Catania and INFN.
  • Article id 76: Image file images/14462846_550721748457629_1464936057458015924_n.jpg does not exist

    CERN sotto il Vulcano: Opening

    30 September 2016
    It was inaugurated tonight CERN sotto il Vulcano, photo exhibition-event, organized by the Center Siciliano Nuclear Physics in collaboration with the University of Catania and INFN and sponsored by the City of Catania, dedicated to the first sixty years of CERN life and the role that physics plays Catania in this center of excellence.
  • Il CSFNSM a Globus Magazine

    29 September 2016
    Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 16:00 on channel 819 GLOBUS TELEVISION Digital TV for Sicily and GLOBUS RADIO STATION airs Radio-Ritratto "Pennellate dal mondo Vip" Studio guest the Director of the Sicilian Center for Nuclear Physics and Structure of Matter.
© 2022 Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia. All Rights Reserved. Originally designed By Diana Salemi