The CSFNSM promoter along with the Department of Physics and Astronomy, INFN Catania,CNR-IMM Workshop "Correlations in condensed matter under extreme conditions" organized on the occasion of the 70th of Prof. Renato Pucci.
Main themes of the conference are the electronic correlations in material systems subjected to extreme conditions of pressure and temperature, surface physics, the properties of transport of the low dimensional electronic systems, the applications of the density functional theory in molecular systems, graphene.
These topics are among the main research interests of Professor Renato Pucci, which you want so celebrate the 70-th birthday.
Among the international speakers include N. H. March (Emeritus Professor, Oxford University; Laureato Honoris Causa, Università di Catania), F. Flores (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), F. Rodriguez (Universidad de Santander, President of the AIRAPT).