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Forces of Nature: Me and ...


Folowing women who have left their mark on Science 


Forze della Natura 

It is a virtual exhibition but also a talk-show to get to know some of the greatest scientists who have marked the history of Science with their work and their discoveries. Alongside these figures of exceptional women, 11 scientists from Catania confront and talk about each other with an exceptional interviewer, Sara Zambotti, host of the Caterpillar radio broadcast.

When and Where: 

27th November 2020

Città della Scienza

Via Simeto 24



Virtual exhibition from Città della Scienza Unict and live talk show

leads Sara Zambotti

Women who have won the Nobel, women who despite making great discoveries have not won it, women who were the first to win prejudices of gender and race, women who have marked the history of science.Scientists of yesterday but also scientists of today: to tell us about these great figures will be eleven researchers from Catania who took inspiration from these great figures and who today conduct their research ranging from Particle Physics to Information Technology, from Astrophysics to Applied Mathematics, mixingexperiments and theory together, but above all always bringing within that healthy curiosity that distinguishes those who do research.

Marie Curie...

  • Me and Ada Lovelace: computers and programming  – Prof.ssa M. MADONIA (Unict)
  • Me and Emmy Noether : simmetrie and conservation laws – Dr.ssa F. BURGIO (INFNCT, CSFNSM)
  • Me and Marie Curie: Particle Physics nowadays – Prof.ssa A. TRICOMI (Unict, CSFNSM, INFNCT)
  • Me and Maria Goeppert Mayer: Nuclear Physics today – Dr.ssa S. PIRRONE (INFNCT, CSFNSM)
  • Me and Chien Wu: nuclear transmutation in laboratory – Prof.ssa E. GERACI (Unict, CSFNSM, INFNCT)
  • Me and Katherine Johnson: the space exploration – Dr.ssa I. PAGANO (INAF, CSFNSM)
  • Me and Vera Rubin: the Dark Matter – Prof.ssa M. GULINO (CSFNSM, LNS)
  • Me and Vivienne Malone-Mayes: Mathematics today – Prof.ssa P. DANIELE (Unict)
  • Me and Joycelyn Bell Burners: pulsars and Radioastronomy – Dr.ssa G. UMANA (INAF, CSFNSM)
  • Me and Claudia Alexander: the solar system exploration – Prof.ssa F. ZUCCARELLO (Unict, CSFNSM, INAF)
  • Me and Donna Strickland: Laser and Photonics today – Dr.ssa M. J. LO FARO (Unict, CSFNSM)


Event co-funded by the European Social Fund Sicily.



Città della Scienza - Università di Catania

Project type: 

virtual exhibition and live talk show from CSFNSM facebook and youtube channels

Edition: 2020 your social media marketing partner
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